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Choosing The Right Hosting Solution For Your eCommerce Website

choosing-the-right-hosting-solution-for-your-ecommerce-websiteA functional eCommerce store is made up of two components: a feature-rich eCommerce application and a fast, scalable hosting solution. Once you have settled on an eCommerce application for your online retail store, it’s time to decide on a hosting solution. Hosting provides the bandwidth, storage, compute, and database resources an eCommerce store needs.

In this article, we’re going to look at the qualities of a great eCommerce hosting provider and at the types of hosting suitable for online retail.

Cheap Shared Hosting Is Not The Best Option

Modern eCommerce applications like Magento and WooCommerce are built on standard technology like MySQL and PHP. Any web hosting platform can run an eCommerce store, but not all provide the resources, support, and eCommerce-specific optimizations that a great online retail experience requires.

For very low traffic eCommerce stores, a standard shared hosting account or virtual private server might be adequate, but you will soon run into resource, performance, scaling, and security problems as your business grows.

Choosing a specialist managed eCommerce hosting provider with expertise in your chosen application will be slightly more expensive, but you’ll save time and money throughout the life of your business.

The Qualities Of An Excellent eCommerce Hosting Provider

A good eCommerce hosting provider understands the hosting requirements of eCommerce applications and the needs of eCommerce businesses. An eCommerce store isn’t an ordinary website.

Performance-optimized hosting: Speed and responsiveness are vital. Slow stores make less money. Look for a web hosting provider with the technical ability to optimize their networks, servers, and software stack for the best possible performance.

Managed Services: A world-class eCommerce host will provide managed services that help retailers make the most of the hosting platform. Managed services should include performance optimization, security hardening, and comprehensive backup services.

Support: Responsive support is vital. You don’t want to be left twiddling your thumbs if an issue arises with your store during a busy shopping period. Look for an eCommerce host who is prepared to work with you and your team to secure, scale, and optimize the reliability of your store.

A reputation for security: Security is vital at all levels of eCommerce hosting, from the data center to the application itself. Make sure your eCommerce host can demonstrate the quality of its security controls with third-party certifications like SSAE 16 and PCI DSS. Additionally, verify that the provider’s platform runs the most recent software versions and that the software stack is regularly updated — you’d be surprised how many hosting providers use outdated and vulnerable software.

Choosing The Right Hosting

There are three main types of eCommerce hosting suitable for applications like Magento and WooCommerce: shared hosting, dedicated server hosting, and clusters of dedicated servers.

Shared eCommerce hosting: With shared hosting, the resources of a server are shared between several eCommerce stores. Unlike standard shared web hosting, a reputable eCommerce hosting provider strictly limits the number of stores each server supports. eCommerce-optimized shared hosting is ideal for smaller stores.

Dedicated Server eCommerce hosting: Each store has access to the resources of an enterprise-grade dedicated server. Dedicated servers are the most powerful single-server hosting option available. Dedicated servers are suitable for medium to large eCommerce stores.

Dedicated Server Clusters: The most powerful eCommerce hosting option, clusters combine the resources of several dedicated servers, with each server taking responsibility for a different aspect of the store’s functionality, including web servers, file servers, and database servers. Clusters are capable of supporting the largest eCommerce stores and can be scaled indefinitely.

As an eCommerce store grows, its hosting should be able to grow with it. By choosing a provider that offers hosting options suitable for stores from the smallest to the largest, eCommerce merchants establish a long-term relationship with a host who can support their business throughout its life.

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Why You Need An eCommerce Website

ecommerce-101-why-you-need-an-ecommerce-websiteeCommerce is the future of retail, but what will the eCommerce store of the future look like? Will eCommerce businesses sell their products via third-party channels like eBay or Amazon, or will they invest in an eCommerce website they control? Will eCommerce apps take the place of traditional eCommerce stores on the web platform?

It’s hard to predict what will happen in an era of rapidly evolving technology and consumer behavior, but we think the web-based eCommerce store is here to stay. Retailers will invest in mobile eCommerce apps and they will sell via many channels, but at the center there will be an eCommerce website designed, managed, marketed, and controlled by the retailer.

A web eCommerce store supported by an application like Magento or WooCommerce offers two advantages that other channels do not: it’s on the web and it doesn’t depend on third-party platforms.

Why Does The Web Matter?

The web matters because it’s where people find your store: Google sends a massive amount of traffic to eCommerce stores, and most consumers search on the web. The web is everywhere, whereas persuading shoppers to install native applications is challenging.

Evidence shows that many consumers prefer to shop on the web, and while mobile eCommerce can’t be ignored, nor can the significant proportion of purchases that are made from non-mobile browsers. Retailers without a web presence are at a disadvantage.

Five years ago, native mobile apps offered the best eCommerce experience, but today’s web is different. In 2018, the web platform is competitive with the native app experience, and with the introduction of Progressive Web Apps, the distance between web and native is even narrower.

Why Does Control Matter?

Third-party retail channels like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and others generate a lot of revenue for eCommerce retailers. Social eCommerce and instant messaging eCommerce are an important part of the future of retail. But third-party channels have a drawback: they force retailers to cede control to the platform.

Retailers with a hosted web eCommerce store don’t face that risk. They don’t have to worry about “pivots” and “platform sunsetting” pulling the rug out from under them. They don’t have to align their business model to the business model of the platform owner. Independent web stores can access more data than retailers constrained to third-party platforms — data they don’t have to share.

Another important freedom is the ability to move an eCommerce business to a different platform or hosting provider. It’s straightforward to migrate a Magento or WooCommerce store to a different web hosting provider. It’s only a little more difficult to move from a Magento store to a WooCommerce store or vice versa. It’s almost impossible to move lock, stock, and barrel from a third-party marketplace when you depend on it and its audience for all of your revenue.

One Home, Many Channels

Omni-channel eCommerce doesn’t mean abandoning the control provided by a central web-based eCommerce store. Magento offers excellent integration with multiples channels: the Sellbrite extension is just one example of a tool that can integrate an existing eBay, Amazon, and Etsy retail with a Magento web presence.

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Optimizing Your eCommerce Website

eCommerce optimizationIn 2018, there is no excuse for a slow eCommerce store. Shoppers don’t have the patience to wait while pages load or slow search and checkout features struggle to react to input. Performance optimization involves taking a close look at your eCommerce store and how it works, figuring out why it’s slow, and making the necessary changes.

At a high level, performance optimization can be divided into two broad categories: client-side or front-end optimization that deals with loading and executing code and other assets in the browser, and server-side or backend optimization, which focuses on improving the speed at which web pages are generated and sent to the browser.

Choose The Right Hosting Provider

The right hosting provider is vital to low-latency eCommerce performance. If an eCommerce store runs on a slow or unoptimized server, it will never be fast, no matter how hard you work to optimize it. If the store’s server doesn’t have the resources it needs to cope with the traffic it receives, it will perform poorly under load.

The solution is to migrate to a hosting plan with more resources or to a hosting provider capable of offering the performance eCommerce shoppers expect.

Understand The Problem

eCommerce stores are complex and there are many opportunities for optimization, but retailers need to know what’s going wrong before they can fix it. Data allows you to identify the real cause of the problem, rather than wasting time on theoretical performance optimizations.

We recommend using a combination of Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom Tools to gather actionable performance metrics.

Client-Side Optimization

Client-side or front-end optimization focuses on improving the performance of a store’s pages in the browser. There are two basic approaches: reducing the size and number of the assets that have to be loaded, and reducing the size and complexity of JavaScript code.

The tools we suggested above provide a good starting point for optimization, but here are three optimizations that are almost certain to make pages load faster:

Reduce HTTP requests: Although HTTP/2 makes this step less important, if your server or your shoppers’ browsers don’t support HTTP/2, reducing HTTP requests can make a significant difference to front-end performance. The easiest way to reduce the number of requests is to concatenate JavaScript and CSS files.

Optimize images: Images are an important part of any eCommerce product page, but they’re also often the largest. Use tools like ImageOptim or a web service like to remove extraneous metadata and reduce the size of images without reducing their quality.

Remove unnecessary JavaScript: JavaScript is an essential part of the modern web, but you can have too much of a good thing. Do you really need all that tracking, social sharing, and UI code?

Server-Side Optimization

The best server-side optimization is to choose a web hosting provider that does most of the work for you, providing powerful servers, an optimized software stack, and a low-latency network.

A good web hosting provider will also help you out with a couple of other optimizations that can significantly improve load-times and reduce latency: a content distribution network and server-side caching.

A content distribution network (CDN) distributes an eCommerce store’s static assets — JavaScript and CSS files, images, pre-rendered HTML — to servers located around the world. When shoppers requests those assets, they are delivered from the closest CDN servers, which reduces latency and the load on the main server.

Caching stores the output of requests so that they don’t have to be generated by code that accesses the database every time a browser requests the same information. eCommerce is a dynamic process, and caching works well with data that changes infrequently, but it can nevertheless significantly boost the perceived performance of an eCommerce store.

Caching solutions are available for WooCommerce and Magento, both as plugins or extensions, and as external caching applications like Varnish and Memcached.

A slow eCommerce store hurts sales and revenue, so it’s worth investing the time to reduce latencies and build a fast and fluid shopping experience.Slow eCommerce stores lose out on sales and revenue — we look at the how and the why of eCommerce optimization

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What Caused Your Site’s Search Rank To Crash?

I don’t encourage site owners to spend their time obsessively scrutinizing search rankings: there are more positive ways to increase traffic to your site. Nevertheless, a drop in search position can have a substantial impact on the number of visitors your site receives, and hence on revenue.

Every site is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of declining search position, but, in my experience, these are the five areas that you should focus on if your site has recently tanked in the SERPs.

Backlink Erosion

Although Google’s algorithms have come a long way since the days they entirely depended on incoming links to assess the value of a web page, backlinks still matter.

If a site loses a lot of the links that were propping it up in the SERPs, it’s likely to take a dive. But it doesn’t have to be a lot of links: a small number of links from high-authority pages have an outsized effect, and if they’re removed, the drop in rank can be substantial.

Use a tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer to assess your site’s backlink profile at regular intervals, so that you can compare over time. It should help you identify potential problems with the site’s link profile.

The opposite of losing good links is gaining bad links, and that can be harmful too. So-called negative SEO could be the culprit, so look carefully at your backlink profile for evidence of links from bad neighborhoods. The Disavow Backlinks tool might come in handy, but use it with caution or you may shoot yourself in the foot.

The Competition Has Stepped Up Their Game

Rankings are relative. For a site to go up, another site has to go down. If you’re losing position relative to a competitor, take a close look at any recent changes they’ve made to their site: improved content, better backlinks, and anything else that might cause their site to look better to Google.

A thorough competitor analysis can point the way to improvements you might make to your own site.

Penalties And Algorithm Changes

Google is opinionated about what it does and does not like. Site owners who aren’t familiar with the rules can accidentally damage their ranking potential. The first step is to take a look at Google Search Console, which will tell you about any manual penalties that have been applied.

If there are no manual penalties, familiarize yourself with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. If you’re doing something Google doesn’t like, that’s where you’ll find out what it is.

Server Issues / Poor hosting

Google wants to send its users to websites that provide a positive experience. Slow-loading sites, excessive latency, and unresponsive pages do not a good experience make. For the sake of both SEO and user experience, it’s worth making sure that your site is as fast and responsive as possible.

Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Tools, and GTmetrix can analyze your site and offer tips for performance improvements.

If your web host isn’t up to the job, no amount of performance optimization will make much of a difference. If performance is a problem, consider upgrading to faster hosting or migrating to a web hosting provider with a platform that can support the needs of your site.

Random Fluctuations In Rank

This is perhaps the most frustrating type of rank change: it’s often called the Google Dance or Google Flux. A site will lose and gain ranking with no discernible reason as Google tweaks its algorithm or some other factor changes.

There’s really nothing you can do about random fluctuations other than redoubling your SEO efforts, following best practices, and ensuring that your site offers the best possible user experience.

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Do eCommerce Retailers Need Native Mobile Applications

Once upon a time, building a website that provided a responsive and intuitive eCommerce experience was next to impossible for all but the simplest stores. Today’s web is different. Many of us use desktop-class applications in our browsers every day. Browsers are faster than ever before, especially where JavaScript is concerned, and the web platform itself benefits from improved client and server side technology and developer-friendly frameworks.

And yet, I often hear eCommerce merchants debating the benefits of native applications.

Native applications sound like something eCommerce merchants that reach a certain size should invest in. Native applications are faster than web applications, and they’re likely to stay that way until WebAssembly enters mainstream use. Native applications can take advantage of device hardware that is clumsy or impossible to access on the web.

However, with some exceptions I’ll discuss later, native applications are typically not a good investment for eCommerce retailers.

The most important argument against building a native application for eCommerce retail is that the majority of customers won’t use it. Studies have shown that shoppers prefer to interact with eCommerce stores on the web — they prefer to locate stores, read product reviews, make purchases, and check order statuses on the web. Theoretically, a properly designed native application could provide a marginally better shopping experience, but there’s plenty of evidence that it’s not what shoppers want.

Look at the home screen of your iOS or Android phone. How many shopping applications do you have installed? For most consumers, the answer is none, and even dedicated shoppers are selective about the shopping applications they install.

Given that most shoppers prefer the web, is a native app really the best investment? A bespoke native application is expensive to build and manage, and it adds a huge amount of complexity to development, especially if the retailer wants to create an app that is available on all the major mobile platforms.

It makes sense to focus development work on a single codebase, a responsive web application that works everywhere from the desktop to the smartphone. The modern web has access to many of the same capabilities as native applications via browser APIs, including push notifications. The gap between what’s possible on the web and in native applications is shrinking rapidly.

Although I don’t think building a parallel native eCommerce application is the best use of a retailer’s time and money, that doesn’t mean there’s no place for native applications in eCommerce. Leading eCommerce brands use native apps to raise consumer awareness and for content marketing. Fashion brand Miu Miu created a music app to showcase fashion show excerpts and a custom soundtrack. Paul Smith released Paul Smith Dino Jumper, a retro platform game. An app from Hermés demonstrates all the ways its customers might wear their scarves and ties.

The creative use of native applications can boost brand awareness, but there’s little point duplicating a web store as a native app — let each platform play to its strengths and user-base.

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How Do You Encourage eCommerce Shoppers To Leave Positive Reviews?

Social proof is a vital part of eCommerce conversion rate optimization. Unlike in brick-and-mortar stores, customers can’t inspect products in person. Shoppers can’t know for sure that they’ll get what they expect. Social proof, in the form of positive reviews, lets customers know that other people were happy with their purchase.

But few shoppers leave positive reviews — and why would they? Taking the time to write a positive review does nothing for the customer. They already have the product they paid for and they have nothing to gain from reviewing it.

However, customers who are not happy with their purchase are more than willing to make their opinions known. Satisfaction is less motivating than the opposite, and the imbalance is the bane of eCommerce retailers.

One dissatisfied customer who writes a review has more of an impact than a thousand happy customers who don’t. A couple of negative reviews on a product page or on social media can do real financial damage to a retail business, especially if those reviews find their way into a prominent position on Google.

Retailers shouldn’t leave positive reviews to chance. Some eCommerce retailers solve the positive review problem dishonestly, by manufacturing their reviews. I wouldn’t encourage that practice: customers can often spot a fake review, and if they have the slightest suspicion their trust in a store can be destroyed.

So how should eCommerce retailers get positive reviews?

Ask For Positive Reviews

If you don’t ask, you don’t get. It’s important not to alienate customers by “begging” for reviews or employing manipulative techniques, but there’s nothing wrong with asking politely. Effective review request emails make it clear that the retailer values the customer’s opinion, and that any information they provide will be taken seriously.

Time It Right

For the most part, you only get one opportunity to ask for a review. Make it count. Don’t send the review request email before the product has been delivered. Give the user some time to have an experience with their purchase before asking them to write about it.

Make It Easy

It should be as easy as possible to leave a review. When customers write a positive review, they’re doing you a favor — don’t make them work for it. Send a direct link to the review interface with the review request email, preferably with a unique identifier that ties the URL to their purchase.

Don’t ask too many questions: one question is fine, but a complex web form with many questions will discourage customers.

Your review system should work perfectly on mobile devices. People use their phones and tablets to read email, and if they can’t leave a review on the same device, the opportunity is wasted.

Provide Incentives

In an ideal world, it wouldn’t be necessary to create a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” review strategy, but if you’re having real difficult generating reviews, you may find incentives effective. I wouldn’t advise you pay: payment degrades the trustworthiness of reviews. But small discounts and perks can motivate reluctant reviewers to make an effort.

Convincing happy shoppers to leave reviews is one of the most challenging aspects of eCommerce, but the social proof of positive reviews can generate significant conversion rate improvements, so spending time on your review strategy is a sound investment.

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February 2018’s Best Magento, CMS, and Design/Development Content

Winter is almost over! Get out of hibernation and check out this month’s roundup! If you’re looking for the same great articles the rest of the year, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Enjoy and let us know if we missed anything important in the comment section. WordPress and WooCommerce A Newbie’s Guide to…

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Using Docker To Build Local WordPress Development Environments

Over the years, we’ve looked at several different systems for setting up local development environments, from applications like MAMP to a Varying Vagrant Vagrants workflow. I’m always looking for the most efficient way to create new WordPress instances, both for development and because I need an easily replicable WordPress environment for testing plugins and updates I want to write about.

Today, I’d like to talk about my current setup, which is based on the Docker container system. I considered using Docker a few years ago, but it was complicated compared to the alternatives, so I didn’t use it for long. But, on the recommendation of a friend, I recently took another look. The tooling has improved considerably and it’s now a good option for those of us who don’t want to spend too much time fiddling with our tools.

So, without further ado, let’s look at how to create a local WordPress development installation with Docker.

What Is Docker?

Docker is a tool for creating and managing containers. A container is a self-contained unit of software that includes all the libraries and other code required to run an application.

It’s important to understand that a container is not the same as a virtual machine — containers are much lighter than virtual machines, they “boot” a lot faster, and they’re more portable. Containers also don’t need a guest operating system.

To use Docker containers, you’ll need to set up Docker on your machine. Because the setup process is different depending on the operating system you use, I won’t go into detail here, but you can find full documentation on the Docker site.

I’m also going to assume you know how to use the command line on your OS.

Building A Local WordPress Container

There are several ways to go about building containers, but we’re going to use the excellent Docker Compose tool.

First, open a terminal, create a directory for your WordPress installation, and change to that directory:

mkdir testing-wordpress && cd testing-wordpress

Next, create the file we’ll use to tell Docker Compose what to do:

touch docker-compose.yml

We’re going to use the Docker Compose file from the official Compose documentation. Open “docker-compose.yml” in a text editor and paste the following text into it:

version: '3'

     image: mysql:5.7
       - db_data:/var/lib/mysql
     restart: always
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somewordpress
       MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress
       MYSQL_USER: wordpress
       MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress

       - db
     image: wordpress:latest
       - "8000:80"
     restart: always
       WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306
       WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress
       WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress

If you’re interested in what the file is doing, I encourage you to read the documentation, but, in brief, it tells Docker Compose to create two containers. The first is a container for the MySQL database, and the second is a container for WordPress itself.

Save the file, go back to your terminal, and run this command:

docker-compose up -d

Docker will download, configure, and launch the containers. It might take a few minutes, but when it’s finished, you’ll have a WordPress instance waiting at this URL:


To stop the containers, use this command from inside the project folder:

docker-compose stop

You can restart with the “up” command you used previously.

If you want to remove the WordPress container, but leave the database intact:

docker-compose down

And if you want to blow away both WordPress and the database container:

docker-compose down --volumes  

After removing the containers, you can start from scratch with the same “up” command as before:

docker-compose up -d

Because Docker containers are entirely self-contained, you can create as many WordPress installations as you like: just create a new folder, copy the “docker-compose.yml file to it, and repeat the process.

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How to Provide Secure Access to Your WordPress Site

WordPress site owners sometimes need to give a third-party access to their site. Once a site grows beyond a certain size, it’s impossible for one person to do all the work, even if they have the necessary skills. Bringing a professional on-board is a smart move.

But giving someone that don’t know well access to your site is a daunting proposition. It’s unlikely they will turn out to be malicious, but incompetence and carelessness cause just as many problems. No one wants to have their site hacked because a contractor used an insecure password or because a developer wasn’t as careful as they should have been.

Site owners should follow one simple rule when giving third-parties access to their site: provide the least access compatible with getting the job done. In the security world, this is called the Principle Of Least Privilege, and most of us intuitively understand its implications. When you pay a vendor, you don’t send them your bank details so they can withdraw any amount they want, hoping they’re honest: you send them a check or use a credit card that authorizes them to claim exactly the amount they’re entitled to.

What does that mean in the context of WordPress?

Granting Access To Your WordPress Site

WordPress provides a collection of user roles that determine the capabilities of a user account.

  • Administrators have complete control over the site. There is really no restriction on what an administrator can do.
  • Editors can publish and manage the posts of other users.
  • Authors can only manage and publish their own posts.
  • Contributors can upload posts, but they can’t publish them.

No one should be given administrator privileges on a site unless it’s absolutely essential. If a service provider needs admin access, they should not be given the authentication credentials of the site’s owner or other trusted users. An admin account should be created for their use and deleted once they no longer need it.

If you have contracted a writer and you want to check their work before it’s published, don’t give them an Author account because they don’t need access to the publication features.

Always give accounts the smallest amount of power you can.

Granting Access To Your Server

Occasionally, a developer or designer may need access to your server or hosting account. Once again, the Principle of Least Privilege applies.

Firstly, and most importantly, never provide root access to your server to someone you don’t absolutely trust. In fact, it’s better to give no one root access and to disable root logins.

If you can, you should do any work that requires privileged access to your server. If a designer asks for access to upload some files, you or someone you trust should upload them if it is at all feasible.

If not, create an FTP or database account for them, and then delete the account when they no longer require access.

If a developer or designer is likely to use FTP over an insecure connection, use a secure VPN to ensure that the data can’t be intercepted.

If you rigorously adhere to the Principle Of Least Privilege, you will be able to give vendors and service providers the access they need without putting the security of your WordPress site at risk.

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Is Your WordPress Site As Secure As You Think?

WordPress is — as content management systems go — very secure. It’s the most targeted web application in the world, but it’s also the best protected. It is in the interest of many thousands of developers and users to seek and destroy any vulnerabilities that may find their way into the code of WordPress Core, themes, and plugins.

If a WordPress hosting client follows a few basic security best practices, the likelihood of a successful attack is slim. Security best practices include:

  • Updating WordPress, themes, and plugins as soon as new versions are released.
  • Getting themes and plugins from trustworthy sources.
  • Using long, random passwords. Or, even better, using two-factor authentication.
  • Not sharing passwords with third-parties.

But everyone who manages a website has to face the reality that their site may be targeted, and if it is targeted, it may be compromised. It’s not enough to follow security best practices. You also have to keep an eye out for signs of compromise. But what does a compromised site look like?

Criminals don’t want you to know when your site has been compromised. The longer they remain hidden, the longer they can use a site to distribute malware, send spam, and inject their SEO links. A site that looks perfectly fine to you might, in fact, be spewing spam and infecting your visitors.

The solution is automated vulnerability and malware scanning. Vulnerability and malware scanners are capable of monitoring a site for signs of malicious software or known software vulnerabilities and alerting you to them.

For occasional scans, there are several excellent online tools that you should be aware of.

  • GravityScan is an online vulnerability and malware scanner from the team behind the Wordfence security plugin. It will check a site for both malware and software vulnerabilities.
  • Sucuri SiteCheck is similar to GravityScan, providing much the same malware and vulnerability checking.

An external web-based scanner is a good option to have, but they aren’t as capable as dedicated security plugins which have greater access to a site and its files.

Wordfence Security is the most popular WordPress security plugin, and it includes a host of features to keep WordPress sites secure, including malware, vulnerability, and backdoor scanning, and a Web Application Firewall capable of repelling known attacks. The premium version of this plugin adds real-time updating of firewall rules, more frequent scans, and two-factor authentication.

Wordfence’s main competitor is the Sucuri Security plugin. Sucuri includes file integrity monitoring, remote malware scanning, and security hardening. The premium version includes a website firewall that can protect a WordPress site against the exploitation of software vulnerabilities, brute force attacks and denial of service attacks.

For most sites, a plugin is probably a better solution than a web service. The plugins we’ve discussed automatically alert site owners when they discover a problem. Relying on your memory to prompt you to regularly use the web scanning tools is probably not the most effective approach.

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Security, WordPress

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