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What the Entrepreneurs In Your Life Really Want for the Holidays

Hold the body wash gift sets, and put that cookie tin DOWN – here are the presents the solopreneurs in your life ACTUALLY want this Christmas.

A Better Chair

For the traditionalists who still sit in chairs while they work, a new office chair is always sliding down the wants and needs list. Trust me – just get them a new one (ideally one with lumbar support).

The only people who don’t need a new chair are the people who no longer sit in chairs to work.

For People to Stop Putting ‘10X’ In Their Subject Lines

A girl can dream, right?

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

We look at our computers and phones a LOT, and we don’t need a lecture – we need blue light blocking glasses. These little bad boys block the spectrum of blue light responsible for wreaking all sorts of havoc on our brains, from causing migraines, to the insomnia that makes us impossible to deal with.

Buy them for us. PLEASE.

An Electronic ‘Notepad’

Techies and screen-addicts though we may be, most of us carry a scattering of notebooks that contain all manner of highly-important information that we can never seem to find, let alone tag and search for.

Don’t tell us to use Evernote (because we’re already using that too), get us this amazing electronic notepad that mimics what we love about writing things down, in a way that we can actually reference and use.

Alcohol. Lots of Alcohol.

Just kidding. Or are we…?

Entrepreneurship is stressful, and when you’re your own boss, it’s five o’clock when we say it is.

A Physical Time Tracker

Because we forget to change the task on our Pomodoro apps all. The. TIME.

This awesome little time tracker is fully customizable by task, and sitting right in front of your keyboard, is a heck of a lot easier to remember to use than an app.

A Neck and Shoulder Massage

Neck and shoulder pain is a common psychosomatic response to mental stress, and entrepreneurs have a lot of it.

Unfortunately, we also don’t have an hour to lay on somebody’s massage table.

Spare us the lecture on work/life balance, and give us a robot to do it for us.

Something to Hit Between Meetings

Gyms are closed, and business marches on. Give us something besides a broken copy machine to take out our rage on, like this desktop punching bag (please).

A Decision Paperweight for the Impossible Choices

“Can you get that to me by Friday” just got a whole lot easier to answer with this hilarious paperweight from Uncommon Goods.

A Reusable Notebook

Don’t have the Beyonce budget for an electronic notebook? This affordable physical notebook by Rocketbook is reusable, and syncs up with an app to keep handwritten notes organized.

Scribble, snap, and upload, and wipe it clean to start all over again.

Inspirational Wall Art

Remind the entrepreneurs in your life what leadership potential looks like, with an inspirational poster like this one.

For You to Start Using Their Scheduling Link

For real man. We’re busy. GRAB SOME TIME.

A Book by One of the Greats

If Michael Scott’s Somehow I Manage isn’t on our desk already, it needs to be there yesterday. 

Desktop Whiteboard for Capturing Brilliance

The only reason we don’t have one already is because we haven’t found a place for it. This whiteboard fits right above your keyboard, and is the perfect place for scribbling during meetings.

Sustainable On-Ear Bluetooth Headphones

New headphones are always a need, and these headphones by LSTN sound as good as they look. Make sure anything you buy for this crowd is bluetooth capable, with a built-in mic, and background noise reduction is always a nice bonus.

Now Here’s What to Get YOURSELF

Entrepreneurs – solopreneurs ESPECIALLY – manage a lot. Finding clients, accounting, doing the actual WORK they’re selling to end users.

And all the while, WordPress and WooCommerce updates blindside us. We don’t manage our own sites particularly well. The old adage of ‘the cobbler’s family has no shoes’ proves true, and it’s making us look bad.

So BEFORE another plugin breaks, and BEFORE you miss an update that compromises your site’s security, switch to a managed host who will take care of the minutiae for you, so you can focus on what you do best.

Explore affordable Managed Hosting plans by Hostdedi, and reclaim your time.

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