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6 Tips for Working from Home During Quarantine

As we all move online, many of us are finding out how hard it is to stay focused while working from home. Your office space can have a big impact on your productivity. The last thing you want is to be searching for your mouse under a pile of paperwork, right? So, how do you focus and keep productive? 

Develop a morning routine. 

Whether you keep your morning routine the same as you would if you were going into the office, or build a whole new one. A morning routine gets you into the right headspace and helps you separate your work day from your home life. 

Separate space if possible.

It’s probably a good idea not to work from a couch or your bed (places where you typically relax) because either you won’t be as productive, or you’ll start to associate your relaxation spots with work spots and be stressed out in your own bed. And don’t let partners/roommates interrupt you when you’re in that space. If you don’t have a separate space then wear headphones to signal you’re working.

Set a schedule. 

Make sure you set a start time and an end time. Setting a time to be done working for the day is important or you might just keep churning through things. Setting a “done” time also forces you to use your waking hours more efficiently. It is equally as important to set breaks. It’s really easy to stay glued to your desk and before you know it the day is over.  Take time for lunch or if it’s nice out, sit outside or walk the block. Make sure you get up from your desk every 30-45 minutes.

Declutter your space and mind

It’s not exciting, but setting up some proper storage and ensuring your workspace is neat and tidy is key to making sure you stay productive. Keep your office space tidy: shut away clutter, and try to keep cables and wires to a minimum. Keep your phone nearby if there’s a call but out of sight so that you are not constantly looking at it when you get notifications.

Burn a candle for ambience/create a relaxing environment. 

It might not be top of your list, but this tip appeals to our sense of smell for added motivation. Every room needs a scent to complete it. Fragrances can really influence our mood, so opt for something invigorating in your work space. 

Find the right sound

Like smell, sound can help you stay focused and motivated so have the right playlist ready to tackle your to-do list. If the noise of your full house or the silence of your apartment is driving you insane, tune in to a playlist that will help get you in the zone. 

Don’t Isolate yourself. 

The most important thing missing while working from home can be human contact. Connecting on social media might be causing anxiety and stress, but there are ways to keep in contact without seeing all the news. Create a Google Hangout or a Zoom meeting to meet with friends and family. Facebook Messenger and Facetime can help you connect easily with your community. You can use slack to play games, or the Google extension Netflix Party to watch Tiger King with friends.

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